Saturday, 22 March 2014

Form in the gym is lacking!!! Lifting Weights Is Easier With Proper Form!!

The best thing you can do while weight lifting is perfect your form, the worst thing you can do is have bad form, allowing yourself to lift weights with bad form will not only not allow you to lift as heavy but there are also serious injury risks associated with bad from!
© Licensed Under Creative Commons: Brett Jordan (2011)
When thinking about starting out in the gym there are many things to take into account, the most important of those things is the form/ technique you use while lifting weights. One thing people always seem to do wrong, and I see it in the gym all the time is the squat, Proper form squats are an amazing asset to have in your workout regime and should be taken seriously. I was in the gym the other day and noticed someone doing squats but doing them completely wrong, they were leaning too far forward, they were up on there toes and last but not least only going about a quarter way deep into there squat, needless to say this will lead to extreme injuries in the future when getting into heavier weights! You should be properly aligned, the bar coming down in a straight line, weight back on your heels and getting full depth in your squat (hamstring covering your calf). Proper form is not to be joked about, if you are serious about taking your training to the next level make sure you spend the time to research proper form squats and exercises, and hey if you are at the gym don’t be afraid to ask someone! All us gym rats love to talk about exercise!
Do you have a story of someone doing an exercise with bad from? Did you chime in and help of just watch? We want to hear your stories!!!

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